Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I'm pretty Disappointed.

Let me restate that...I'm EXTREMELY disappointed in the Mac vs Pc community. First, its KOST getting nailed and getting his account shut down. And i know Eric aka Emeek77's account wasn't shutdown due to a p.c. fanboy or something, but a damn school?! Shutting him down for giving "free" tutorials that would mess up what they were teaching in there schools? Since when is that not allowed! And I'm sure some people against him were involved. Regardless, Eric made a new account named DeadPicsL and uploaded ALL of his videos back on to that, well i think 2 days after he made it...shutdown. You have got to be kidding me! Why has all this gone as far as it has? And why are we all sitting here and watching it? It really has to stop now, and now i understand why famous youtubers all say that they think about quitting everyday, i never want to get involved in that stuff, and i hopefully never will.

And also another note, this isn't just Pc people attacking, King Microsoft was shutdown as well, obviously due to Mac people flagging videos, etc etc.

I'm sick of it guys, hopefully you all are as well.


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The all new T-Mobile G1 with Google releases (kind of)

Yes, Android is officially out on a phone. And today, T-mobile showed it to us.

Whats going on guys, its Kayhan here with the brand new URL for the blog,, compliments of George, aka theimacdude. He made me this URL so its easier for you guys to access my blog as now you don't have to enter that long link :D

Anyways, I just got home from school, and if you follow me on twitter, you know i was in my Debate class, on my iPhone checking for live news on the announcement of the G1. And you guys are all going...wait, YOU HAVE AN iPHONE! Of course, and i love the thing more then any other portable device i've ever used. But i mean, the fact that its Google i think just made me quite interested in this new product. The phone is the one that you may have seen in spy pictures the last few months, however it looks a lot better it seems in actual pictures then in those spy pics. It includes a 3.1MP camera with NO VIDEO RECORDING YET *iPhone users cheer* and a touch screen along with a full QWERTY keyboard and a nice little trackball which reminds me of the one on Blackberry's. The phone will be locked apparently with T-Mobile, though some are reporting after the first 90 days or something it is unlocked to be able to use with other carriers. Also it looks like its in Black and White at the moment, possibly red soon?!

The phone will be $179 with a contract again, on T-Mobile and it will be available in OCTOBER. You can also pre-order it to my knowledge at the moment on the T-Mobile website :D.

Anyways thats just some information on it for you guys. I'll definitely check it out when it releases at my local T-Mobile. And NO NO NO, theres no way i go out and buy it. I love my iPhone 3G and i to be honest, T-Mobile FOR THE HUGE LOSS. lol

Take care everyone, i think the next video will probably just be W&T but we'll see :D Send in links of headlines you want in the episodes and intros as well!!


Monday, September 22, 2008

News: Truck bombing at Pakistan's 'Marriott' Hotel had American citizens?

A truck explosion Saturday killed 53 and wounded at least 260+ in Pakistan's capital, Islamabad at a Marriott hotel. The blast was described by the government on Sunday as an attack on democracy. (NYTimes)

Apparently, there were many american citizens staying in the hotel at the time. The big thing here is, should the U.S government help out the corrupted, ally government of Pakistan? Now its obvious, we've went into countries to fix there problems before, even though it wasn't our business, however with Pakistan being an ally of the U.S, this is a tough decision for our government. Pakistan has said that they want to take care of this themselves. I personally think we here in America need to take care of our plethora of problems first before we even attempt to "catch" terrorists in corrupted countries, such as my falling home country, Pakistan :/

What's your guys thoughts?!


Friday, September 19, 2008

Here's the dealioooo

Hears what's up with the World and Tech episodes. NOW i well record the episodes while LIVE on Thursday's in between 4-5 PM EST. They will be short streams but if you want to see all the bloopers that i make and just chat with me and get a shout out in the episodes, stop by at:

Then the final edited episodes will be uploaded on Friday's in between 4-6PM EST.

Just wanted to let you all know :D

Peace and enjoy your weekend!


Thursday, September 18, 2008

Goals set for Myself for the next Month:

-Fast all 30 days of Ramadan (less then half left :D)
-Get A's...obviously...
-Hopefully get 100 dollars on Eid (celebration/holiday after Ramadan) which would give me enough for...

I've been eying it for too long. I've spent my money so much that i've never saved enough to buy one. BUT if i hopefully get like 100 from my parents again this year for Eid, I'm going to Best Buy people :D

-AND get to 100 subscribers.

*These goals (aside from all A's) expire October 18th (my sister's birthday :D)

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Update on Myself.

Hey guys, Kay here. I'm doing a little bit better today but i really am not in the mood to do a W&T or any video for that matter at the moment. Still feeling that crap feeling when you have a cold :/ But anyways, just wanted to clear somethings up for you guys.

First off, i am NOT moving away from OS X videos and things like that. The timing of when i began making videos was pretty much right around when the iPhone 3G came out, so i've made sure to cover everything iPhone for now. BUT I'm sure to go back to tons of OS X videos and computer videos in general soon. DEFINITELY before October 14th (when the new MacBook's are supposed to be announced/released). So, iPhone videos aside from App reviews will die down, i promise!

ALSO i am not "free loading" off companies, because i know i'll be accused of that. But these 2 companies, Switch Easy LTD and Speck, checked out my channel, talked to me a few times, and then decided hey, we're going to send you a couple of our products, and we would like you to review them. Simple. And just to let you guys know, Capsule Neo=A+, Speck SeeThru MacBook 13"=A+. Those 2 are AWESOME for the Macbook and the iPhone. But anyways, just wanted to make it clear that THEY decided to send the products, and I'm not trying to take advantage of them in anyway.

Aside from that, classes are going great. The high school I'm going to is awesome, the people are awesome, and its just a great environment. And Ramadan is going great as well. I actually didn't fast yesterday or today because i have to take medicine for my cold and stuff, but hopefully will continue tomorrow if i feel better :D.

Anyways guys, thanks for reading, supporting, and watching, Stay subscribed, bookmark this blog if you want more reviews and things like that, this is we're you'll probably find em.

Take care!


Sunday, September 14, 2008


I tried it before, and didn't think much of it. But now i have jailbroken and will keep my iPhone 3G jailbroken :D

Simple reasons i did it was customization of pretty much everything, from the keyboard to the "slide to unlock" slider, and for video recording, which now has full audio support too :D

I'm sure to find a lot more out of Cydia and things like that, but seriously, WHY NOT jailbreak? Theres virtually no harm in it, and you still get the App store and things like that, just a little bit more extra to go along :) So if you're debating on whether or not you should jailbreak your iPhone/iPod Touch, i say try it, look into what you can do, and then decide if you want to really keep it jailbroken or just go ahead and restore back to the original firmware.

Personally, i'm loving it, and i'll update how it is in about a month or so!
Hopefully a cool little unboxing tomorrow, and then W&T Episode 4 on tuesday!

EDIT: Sigh, just still too much lag with jail break. It feels like regular 2.0.2 with 2.1 jailbroken. I think i'll wait for the next apple update to jailbreak again, til then my iPhone is restoring :/


Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Hey guys!

I wanted your opinion on which service is a better overall...well...service?

BlogTv or Ustream?

Blogtv seems intriguing but i don't know if it is less processor intensive than UStream?

PLEASE leave your thoughts and feed back on this post along with the one underneath! :D




Question for you iPhone users out there....whats in YOUR dock?

I simply just have the Phone, Mail, Safari, and iPod.

What about you? (This can also apply to iPod Touch users)


W&T E3: World News

Be sure to subscribe at and also catch these episodes weekly!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

W&T E3: Technology: Apple event, iPod Touch sales, SPORE

Enjoy guys and catch next week's episode in betweent 4-6PM EST!!
Also come back here often, the blog is updated more then videos.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

W&T: What to Expect

Hey guys, haven't done much lately so thought i'd do a post :D

First off, I hope you guys enjoy the new look of the blog. The icon was made by my good internet friend Todd who also makes youtube videos doing tutorials on photoshop, illustrator, etc. Definitely check him out, VERY talented. His channel is :D If you want your link for you channel or web site here on my blog, aka you want to "sponsor" my blog, you don't have to pay a dime. All you have to do is either think of a great idea(s) for my channel or blog, make a blogger template which i could use on my blog, or just think of a way to possibly get more viewers. If i like your idea, i'll either put an icon of your channel here or i'll make a blog post solely about YOU :).

ANYWAYS as you all know, i do a series called World and Tech, and it's probably my main series so far on my youtube channel. Well with school work and all, i thought i should let you know how i plan to do this weekly series now. I will usually type of the video notes on Sunday's since thats when i have the most time throughout the week. I'll shoot, edit, and upload the videos every Tuesday in between 3-5PM EST. If i have a little bit of time before shooting the video, i'll quickly update my top headlines if anything bigger and better surfaced between Sunday and Tuesday. Once the video is posted, i will embed it here and put the show notes right under the video in a blog post, so its easier to follow along what i'm talking about. Hope this makes the viewing experience better for you guys! Thanks for reading!


Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Incase Slider Case Review: iPhone 3G

Hey guys, Kay here. So i don't really have time to make a video and upload it right now so i thought id just do a blog post with a review of my newest iPhone case. Now if you've watched all my videos you know that i LOVE(D) the Griffin Wave. Its a great case! But i stopped by in the Apple store over the weekend and spotted the slider case there. I had heard a lot about it and was not gonna pass it up. In my Ustream Rescheduled video i said my iPhone is going to go naked but thats the day i went to the apple store LOL. But i thought i can get good protection and its still thin which is awesome. So I'll post pictures you can see of the case here and i'll just give you my thoughts real quickly.

First off just want to say...the case is not all is a GREAT case. I have the Black Matte version as you can see and i really love it. It feels awesome and i feel secure with it on. One thing i love about is that it goes in and out of the pocket easily and it DOESN'T get lint caught up in it, which is the problem i had with my gel case from Incipio. But the problem i had with the Griffin Elan Form case (which also slides out from the bottom for docking) is that it didn't have padding within the case so it actually scratched my iPhone from taking off the dock piece. The awesome thing about the Slider is that it has 2 rubber railings EXACTLY where my iPhone actually scratched, so i feel secure taking off the docking part of the case whenever i want. All in all its a nice thin little case that feel's great in your hand or when putting it in and out of your pocket and in my opinion is definitely worth 35 bucks. I really hope this case holds up for a long time cuz i seriously LOVE it. I can tell why Dave aka thecreativeone was so high about this case on his first gen iPhone :D

But yeah guys thats it! I gotta get ready for school  tomorrow sooo PEACE


Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Ahh summer summer summer. Most people's favorite time of the year. Another one has passed now and what a summer it was.

I was able to go to Indianapolis to see my dad's second office which was awesome and big as far as the family goes.

I was able to let my photography flow as we went to Europe for a cruise around the Mediterranean and i gotta say, European countries are BEAUTIFUL! I really loved going and i hope one day i can go back.

And i was able to relax at home, chill with friends, etc.

But it was awesome talking to all of YOU guys! You guys are truly awesome and your all the reason i do youtube and this blog and twitter and all.

So thank you everyone for making this summer great!


(Good luck at school everyone, hope you have a successful year!)