Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Overview Of The New Macbooks

The macbook and the pro are have finally been redesigned.
As you probably all know by now, they both have a black LED display. They both have new Nvidia graphics cards, which make them both great for video editing etc. The macbook and pro both have a single precision body kit(which means its really strong).
And finally the macbook pro now has a glass trackpad, and it is the whole button.
So are the new macbooks worth it. I know the new technology is very expensive, but here in the UK the entry level macbook is £900 and the entry pro is £1400!
In my opinion i think if you are a bit put off by the price wait till around January(macworld)
as by then the price would have probably been lowered. Apple know that not many people will want to pay so much and so they kept the plastic macbook as a "back up".
So in summary if you really need a new notebook now, then go for it, get the new macbooks now, but if you can, i would suggest you wait.
Check out as there will be a pro unboxing.

peace guys max

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Apple MacBook Event Keynote! :D

Apple Event: October 14th 2008 - LIVE COVERAGE

Live Coverage Of The Macbook Event - From Cupertino.

Looks like everyone is getting excited down here in Cupertino.(9.54am)
According to a poll on gizmodo, over 50% of folk think that Jobs will introduce some random software update that no-one cares about... Come on though.... He probably will do! (9.56am)

Currently, Everyone is just getting seated. (9.57am)

An Apple Logo is currently showing on the screen, up there is Phil Schiller (9.59am)
Apple are currently up o.19 in the market, just checked :) (10.01am)

Stevie boy (Steve Jobs) Is currently on stage, explaining about how they have some exciting new products (macbooks!!) (10.02am)
A man called Tim Cook is currently on stage, telling us about how Leopard is far infront of Vista... We know....He's currently bragging :) (10.05am)

Tim is yapping on about how Apple stores are visited or 400,000 times a day, and introducing new customers etc etc. Reminds me so much of Steve Jobs! (10.07am)

Again, explaining about how well they're doing in the market etc.
Pictures will be coming soon folks! (10.09am)

"Macs at major universities -- from 15% to almost 50%" "Many universities requires students have a laptop, we've worked hard to get Mac to be a choice. Tim says.

Apple has 39% unit share for notebooks in education, surpassing Dell.

"Let's talk about notebooks. Before we get into the actual notebooks, we want to talk about discoveries we've made. I'd like to talk about some new ways to build notebooks." Jony Ive is out! (10.13am)

He is explaining about how they build there Macbook Pro's to make them strong, I think this is leading to - well were going to re-design that *claps* am I right?

"Through each stage we're cleaning, collecting, and recycling the material. We started with a 2.5lbs piece of metal and end up with a piece that weighs a quarter of a pound." Jonny says, He is now onto the Macbook Air, explaining again how they pulled it off..... How did they pull it off!

Jobs is back; Nvidia came to talk to them a few months ago about a product that would include the chipset and the graphics processor.

Nvidia GeForce 9400M is the name of the product.

Jobs just introduced Glass Trackpads!

EDIT: Having slight problems with images, will upload whenever possible


"Slot load super drive, magsafe connector, Ethernet, firewire 800, dual USB, mini display port, we're going to that on all our products, expresscard 34, and the battery indicator is now on the side."

Macbook Air:Next up is the MacBook Air. They’re putting the 9400M into the MBA. 4x faster graphics. They’re upgrading the 120GB HDD (up from 80GB), or a 128GB SSD. Also has a Mini Display port. Kind of obvious the 120GB HDD, the Classic got an update so that means the MBA gets one.


New Macbooks! I think I will be buying one, depending on price:

Jobs is now showing a video, time to catch up on some stuff, So far we've had complete re-designs of Macbook (Pro) Just saw some pictures of the back sides etc. prices: $899 for Macbook, and I think it was $1299 for MBP, best bit - THERE SHIPPING TODAY!

Just showing some internal parts.....nothing but wires o.O

Now there talking about the environmental side, you know, the bit we all care about, very, very much? Also, For once, they didn't come out with some random software update - instead it was a random talk no-one cared less about! Also, no news on iLife 09' and iWork 09'! I have a bad feeling this event is going to go on for longer... seems there talking about Steves blood pressure - is this going to lead onto - I'm extremely sick, I'm going to quit Apple :S Come on Chris Pirillo take his place!!

Ah..they have moved onto Q & A, there have been a few questions about the HDMI/Blu-Ray - That didn't appear :O Maybe nex... Oh wait, the next revision will be...A long time away :)

Phil tried to stick up for his side, and he mentioned the HD movies in iTunes, which will look great on the new glossy screens.

Its not 11, doesn't seem to be ending :S Will I be here for another hour, half an hour?

A question about the glossyy screens, wont it be messed up? No, reduce the lighting... Well duh?

Q: You've put a lot of work into the new touchpad, do touchscreens not make sense?
A: Steve: so far it hasn't made a lot of sense to us.

Looks like, the event is over! Thanks all for reading, anymore questions, my info is at the bottom, when Apple release a video, we will have a link to it!


Monday, October 13, 2008

New Prices Surface Across Web for new MacBooks


Heres what MacRumors believes these correspond to:

- K29, MB382LL/A $899.00 - MacBook?
- M97, MB466LL/A $1,299.00 - MacBook
- M97, MB467LL/A $1,599.00 - MacBook
- M96, MB543LL/A $1,799.00 - MacBook Air
- M96, MB940LL/A $2,499.00 - MacBook Air
- M98, MB470LL/A $1,999.00 - 15" MacBook Pro
- M98, MB471LL/A $2,499.00 - 15" MacBook Pro
- M88, MB766LL/A $2,799.00 - 17" MacBook Pro

We shall see in less then 15 hours :D

Be sure to check in tomorrow morning! George and I are excited to bring some type of coverage to you readers!



Daily Tip 1: The Keyboard Shortcut You Never Knew About!

The Keyboard Shortcut You Never Knew About!

Hey guys, so this is the first addition of Daily Tips, So lets get on to it shall we?
Ever wondered why there isn't a keyboard shortcut to shut down your mac, sleep it or restart? I do, it well and truly pains me to drag my heavy mouse to the Apple logo, and click shut down! (not) Also, have you ever looked at that eject button and said, I may as well write on you with permenant marker, USELESS, well you can cross that of the list! now your problems are solved! Hit Control + Eject, and it comes up with a few choices (see image) which are Shutdown, Sleep, Restart, or Cancel. Shutdown is high-lighted, so if you hit enter/return, it will shutdown so, for a quick shutdown it would Control + Eject, then enter/return. Remember this Mac OS X only!


MacBook Event Reminder: 10AM PST Tomorrow

New MacBook's, possible updates to iLife/iWork?

We shall find out tomorrow and you can find out first here at ki2594 with George giving us live updates on what's going down in Cupertino, and remember to refresh the browser every minute or so, as we haven't found an auto refresh script for the blog.

Also do let us know how we do with our coverage!


Sunday, October 12, 2008

First Thoughts: Sena UltraSlim Case for iPhone 3G

So i stopped at the Apple store today with the dad to exchange our power adapters, which they ended up running out of so we'll have to wait a few days. But my dad recommended getting a pouch type case for my 3G as he's been using the CEO Glide and his LOVED it, so i thought sure. I think some cases give you more scratches from taking it on and off then if you just leave it naked, so i checked out the Sena Ultraslim case, which my dad was awesome enough to buy for me. And so far, i love this thing. Definitely the best thing i've bought for my 3G. It form fits your 3G, so it sort of "breaks in" like leather does obviously, making it a smooth fit for your phone. Heres a few pics for you guys :D 
Grade= A

Fonejacker (Yes its Fone)

Not so much to do with tech, but check it out anyway.

Peace guys

Apple Posts Support Guide for "Late 2008" MacBook's

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Kevin Rose drops another Apple Rumor Upon Us

During the live Diggnation recorded yesterday in London, co-host/founder of Digg dropped a 
"quality" rumor upon us, stating the new MacBook's WILL have Blu-Ray drives or at least will support blu-ray drives. Others have stated that they believe Apple will bring blu-ray to there next refresh of the notebooks, as it seems Mac OS X 10.5.6 will include blu-ray support, so we should expect a Mac OS X update within the next few weeks as well.

Rose did state that his source for this rumor was not nearly as good as his source for the iPod/iTunes updates.


iPhone 3G coming to Wal-Mart?!

Boy Genius has reported that the iPhone 3G will begin selling the iPhone 3G beginning on November 15th. Wal-Mart would be the second "third party" retailers of the iPhone, the first being Best Buy. The iPhone 3G 8GB is $199 with an AT&T contract, though some people believe that the 8GB will be gone within a few months, as Apple will adopt a 32GB version of there phone, internet, multimedia device.




Yessir, we will be covering the event live with updates right here at George in the UK will be doing all the work, and depending on when the event ends, i may be helping out as well.

We will try to find a way to auto-refresh the blog but if not, just click that refresh button in your browser every minute or so and enjoy!

Remember, the event starts at 10AM PST!

(We will be covering what's up a little bit before it begins!)


Introducing Daily Tips!

Daily Tips To Help You Throughout The Day!

Hey everyone, George here, So in this blog post, I'm introducing a new section to the blog, Daily Tips! Daily Tips is obviously a guaranteed daily post on the blog. The title says it all, a daily tip that will help you throughout the day, and throughout your life, for example a keyboard shortcut that you never knew about, or an iPhone tip, It could be anything (obviously tech related) Its most likely Kay will do the iPhone tips. So yeah, Daily Tips, we will be starting them on Monday and will continue till Friday, at weekends Daily Tips will not be posted. So I hope I got the message across there, if you need anymore information, my contact info is at the bottom :)


Friday, October 10, 2008

The smaller Flame is finally (almost here): Firefox Mobile

After a long wait, Firefox Mobile's alpha version will release next week on the Nokia N810 internet tablet. This is the first ever Mozilla mobile browser. A bigger beta, supporting more mobile OS's (including possible Symbian, Win Mobile, Android) is expected to be released early to mid-2009.



PSP 3? No silly, 3000.

Yes folks Sony have released a new, light, slim PSP(3000). The 3000 is virtually the same as its predecessors, but it has a few improvements.

First up is the screen. The new screen has better color reproduction, which basically means better graphics(looks stunning).

The 3000 also has an improved AV output for video and game playback on TVs; built-in Skype(YES BUILT IN SKYPE :)) with a microphone built in.The PSP still has all of the impressive media and online features of the old PSP 2000(and 1000), and a huge library of game titles.Even with these improvements, the annoyances still remain; screen is still a fingerprint magnet; web browser is still the same; UMD load times still are quite slow.

There's probably not enough new features to get you to upgrade, but if you are looking for a PSP you will find the new PSP 3000 a multimedia marvel.
MaxCheck out the channel at

Is your Macbook at risk? Find out here!

Apple discovers failing video cards in Macbook Pro's

Apple have confirmed that Nvidia video cards in Macbook Pro's happen to be faulty! The specific models affected are Macbook Pro's with the GeForce 8600M GT manufactured between May 2007, and last month! You know if you have a faulty video card if you see odd screwed up graphics, or even worse, no video at all! (that is when the machine is turned on!) Apple will fix any Nvidia graphics card problem for free within two years of the original purchase date. If you've had to pay to get the problem fixed before, Apple will give you a refund.

Visit this site for more help:

Thats all for now folks!


Thursday, October 9, 2008

App Store's "Remote" Application Coming to Android.

The handy little iPhone/iPod touch application called "Remote" will be on the new Google Android platform the the Marketplace. The application allows you to use your device as a remote (obviously) controlling the music playing on your iTunes, all through your WiFi connection.
Android iTunes Remote Control from Jeffrey Sharkey on Vimeo.


A "native" Facebook Chat app?

I was chatting on Facebook chat today, and thought, is there any applications for facebook chat? The only one i found was Adium which supports Facebook chat. But an easier solution in my opinion is making a "web" app through the phenomenal application named "Fluid".

All you need is Mac OS X, the Fluid application, and a Facebook profile.

-Just open up Fluid and type this into the URL box:

-Then just name the application, named mine FB Chat. Click create and let it create the application.

-And your done! Just open up the application and it will have the facebook chat already logged in if you are logged in on your browser!

Chat away!


A Storm is coming, but will it hit Cupertino?

What? already Blackberry are making a new phone, but this time its touch screen. The storm is Blackberry's attempt at the, there is even a app store for it.
The Storm features a 3.2 megapixel camera, wireless email, web, browser, gps and of course SMS and MMS.
The Storm has HSDPA (3.5G) which means fast Web access with the full HTML Web browser (although it doesn't support Flash). The Storm also offers dual-mode functionality. 
Other connectivity options 
include Bluetooth 2.0, with support for stereo Bluetooth headsets, and GPS, but no Wi-Fi. Google Maps is included for basic sat-nav functionality, but for advanced navigation features, like speech you will have to pay for an app like vodafones pay and go.

Built in to the storm is 1GB of storage, however if that doesn't meet your needs, you can purchase a 16GB micro sd card.
In all the Storm is a great phone(being the first touch screen phone RIM has made), however RIM still has a long way to go if they want to compete with the  iPhone 3G.

Peace guys 

Confirmed: The Spotlight turns to notebooks

Yes, we finally have confirmation. Apple began sending out invites to the October 14th MacBook event this morning, which will take place in Cupertino. The picture shows a MacBook which does look like its in aluminum. Many of you may have seen the leaked pictures of the casing, and it was reported that the pictures leaked of the casings are all true. So get excited everyone! There will be a blog post on that date summing up what is announced.


Saturday, October 4, 2008


If you guys read the last line in the Flip Mino unboxing, i'm taking an extended break from YouTube videos. I'll be commenting, messaging, etc etc but now videos for a bit. Just busy and stuff, but anyways, when i do return to making videos, what do you guys want to see more of? I know a main thing is iPhone App reviews, and thats a given, but other then that, what do you want here on this blog or in videos?

Let me know guys, and don't expect any videos other then maybe a text video stating that i'm streaming :D

Take care everyone, and let me know!
